Salbrovadhallen, 5610 Assens
Dalmatiner |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 33
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 39 Dommer: Viola Speier |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Unique Spots Illusive Morning Dream |
Katalognr.: 0029
Ejer: Helle Plougmann Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Helle Plougmann 8560 Kolind Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK21855/2022 DKJV23 DKJUCH
Udstilling information
Klasse: Juniorklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Unique Spots Elegant Echo Of Magic |
Katalognr.: 0021
Ejer: Helle Plougmann Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Helle Plougmann 8560 Kolind Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK03563/2019 DKCH NOCH
Udstilling information
Klasse: Championklasse |
Bedste hvalp | ||||
Spots Spot On Epic Erin |
Katalognr.: 0003
Ejer: Britta Larsen Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Britta Larsen 6300 Gråsten Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK14545/2023
Udstilling information
Klasse: Hvalpeklasse |
Bedste veteran | ||||
Curias Handsome Hamilton |
Katalognr.: 0025
Ejer: Ejeroplysninger ønskes ikke oplyst(GDPR) | ||||
Opdrætter: Charlotte Maag Jenvall 3550 Slangerup Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK10682/2015 DKCH DKJV16 AGRIAVW23 VIV23 VIVV23 KBHV23 KBHVV23 ROVV23 DKVV23
Udstilling information
Klasse: Veteranklasse |
Bedste junior | ||||
Unique Spots Illusive Morning Dream |
Katalognr.: 0029
Ejer: Helle Plougmann Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Helle Plougmann 8560 Kolind Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK21855/2022 DKJV23 DKJUCH
Udstilling information
Klasse: Juniorklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | 0002 Kritik | Spots Spot On Elegant Eros | |
6,5 months old, black spotted male, very lively and active youngster of correct size and type, correct head and proportions with dark eyes, scissor bite, excellent neck going into a strong and level top line, excellent tail set and carriage, very good front and excellent hind angulations, well developed forechest and very good depth of brisket, needs more ring training of course,
Registreringsnummer: DK14542/2023
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0001 Kritik | Delicate Designs KICK | |
Registreringsnummer: SE40734/2023
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0007 Kritik | Mokushi's Clematis Montana | |
10 months old liver spotted male of a smaller size and correct proportions, very strong and masculine head, scissor bite, middle brown eyes, correct neck, very good top line with a little sloaping croupe, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves harmonic but with little drive, a little narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK06907/2023
Opdrætter |
2 | Very good VG | 0008 Kritik | Spotdog's Money Maker | |
9 months old black spotted male of strong type, very strong and masculine head with dark eyes, scissor bite, very strong head, very good top line, short loin, correct front and hind angulation, moves with a rolling back, a little narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: SE32907/2023
Opdrætter |
3 | Very good VG | 0009 Kritik | Allivalit Kasper | |
11 months old liver spotted male, quite tall, strong head with correct proportions, scissor bite, correct neck, level top line with a little sloping croup, very good front and hind angulations, very narrow in front, lacks forechest and depth of brisket, moves with shorter steps, a little narrow behind, very mild skin irritations on his back,
Registreringsnummer: DK04243/2023
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0010 Kritik | Mellanmöllan Taste of Conference | |
Registreringsnummer: SE26387/2023
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0011 Kritik | Curias One and Only | |
19 months old male, black spotted, correct size, head with correct proportions and dark eyes, scissor bite, correct head, strong top line with a little sloping croup, very good front and correct hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently but with tucked up loin,
Registreringsnummer: DK18738/2022
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BHK CERT | 0016 Kritik | Delicate Designs ZZ Top |
2 years old liver spotted male, correct size and type, correct head with stronger muzzle, very dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck, strong and level top line, correct front and hind angulation, correct forechest and depth of brisket, heavily spotted with some ticks, moves fluently with excellent reach and drive,
Registreringsnummer: SE68129/2021
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK R.CERT | 0012 Kritik | Kernehuset's Danish Dynamite |
2,5 year old liver spotted male of a taller type but correct proportions, correct head and dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck going into a strong and level top line, correct tail set, excellent hind and front angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently, a little narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK18038/2021 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0017 Kritik | Spotdog's Kingdom Keeper | |
2 years old black spotted male, correct size and proportions, excellent head with dark eyes, elegant neck, strong withers and level top line, very good front and excellent hind angulations, very good forechest and excellent depth of brisket, correct movement with a little dipping top line,
Registreringsnummer: SE21447/2022 EUJW23 DKJUCH CIB-J
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0014 Kritik | Orion's Belt Grand Occasion | |
almost 3 year old black spotted male, masculine head with strong muzzle and dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck, correct and strong top line with good tail set, very good front angulation and excellent hind angulation, could have a little more forechest and stronger brisket, correct movement, a little loose elbows and narrow behind, mild skin irritation on the head,
Registreringsnummer: DK15772/2021 DKJUCH ROJV22
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0015 Kritik | Marque Marron Le Chevalier Noir | ||
4,5 year old black spotted male of correct size and type, masculine head with correct proportions and dark eyes, correct neck, strong and level top line, a little happy tail carriage, very good front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, correct movement, strong skin irritation on the head,
Registreringsnummer: DK12102/2019
Opdrætter |
Good G | 0013 Kritik | Marque Marron ‘s Topaze | ||
2,5 year old liver spotted male of square type, masculine head with dark eyes, scissor bite, a lot of loose skin on the throat, strong neck, strong top line with sloping croup, good front angulation and very good hind angulations, lacks forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently but missing reach and drive, skin irritations on the head and neck,
Registreringsnummer: DK24722/2021
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BHK BIM | 0021 Kritik | Unique Spots Elegant Echo Of Magic |
5 years old, black spotted male, a bit taller in size but of correct proportions, correct head with dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck, strong and level top line and correct tail set, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently,
Registreringsnummer: DK03563/2019 DKCH NOCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BHK | 0020 Kritik | Blumingsdale Daredevil |
4 years old liver spotted male, correct head with a little shorter muzzle, dark eyes, strong neck going into a level and strong top line, a little sloping croup, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves correctly with a little less drive, excellent spotting,
Registreringsnummer: DK00699/2020 DKCH SECH NOCH CIB DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | CK | 0018 Kritik | Jilloc's King Of Hearts |
4 years old black spotted male of strong type, correct head with middle brown eyes, scissor bite, strong neck, strong and level top line, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, correct movement, a little narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK25060/2021 DKCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0022 Kritik | Christi Ormond Raise me Up | |
almost 7 years old black spotted male of moderate size and correct proportions, elegant head, dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck, strong and level top line with correct tail set, correct front and hind angulations, very good forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently,
Registreringsnummer: VDH/DZGD 888/17 DEVDHCH DECH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0019 Kritik | Frihedens Prince Unicorn | ||
6 years old black spotted male, larger in size but of correct proportions, correct head, middle brown eyes, elegant neck going into a strong top line, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, excellent spotting, correct movement with a little tucked up loin, narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK00647/2018 DECH DKCH
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0024 Kritik | Toot's Victim of a broken Heart | ||
almost 3 years old male, black spotted, moderate size, very strong head with broad cheeks, alot of loose skin on the throat, strong neck, scissor bite, level top line, correct front and very good hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves harmonic but with a little tucked up top line and little drive,
Registreringsnummer: DK17836/2021 DEVDHCH DKCH DECH HAHJV22 DKKJUBJV22 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0023 Kritik | Marque Marron ‘s Péridot | |
Registreringsnummer: DK24723/2021 BORNHJV22 DKJV22 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK BIK | 0025 Kritik | Curias Handsome Hamilton |
8 years old black spotted veteran male, still going strong and with a happy attitude, correct size and proportions, correct head with dark eyes, strong neck, excellent top line and tail set, correct frontand hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of bisket, moves fluently with correct reach and drive,
Registreringsnummer: DK10682/2015 DKCH DKJV16 AGRIAVW23 VIV23 VIVV23 KBHV23 KBHVV23 ROVV23 DKVV23
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BHK | 0026 Kritik | Kernehuset's Bacardi |
almost 10 years old black spotted male, correct size and proportions, still having lots of fun in the ring, masculine head with correct proportions, strong neck, scissor bite, excellent top line and tail set, excellent front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently with correct reach and drive, slight skin irritation on the head,
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0003 Kritik | Spots Spot On Epic Erin |
6,5 months old black spotted bitch of correct size and type, correct head and proportions with dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck going into a level top line, excellent tailset and carriage, very good front angulations and excellent hind angulations, enough forechest and depth of brisket, some ticking, moves fluent with good reach and drive,
Registreringsnummer: DK14545/2023
Opdrætter |
2 | SL SL | 0005 Kritik | Spotish Mizz Lizzy | |
6,5 months old liver spotted female of a little more elegant type, feminine head, dark eyes, correct neck, good top line with a little sloaping croup, very good front angulation and excellent hind angulation, enough forechest and very good depth of brisket, moves fluently with little drive, a little narrow behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK14244/2023
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0004 Kritik | Delicate Designs PIMPIM | |
Registreringsnummer: SE40736/2023
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0006 Kritik | Tomra’s A Million Dreams | |
Registreringsnummer: DK12596/2023
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 1.BTK CERT BIR | 0029 Kritik | Unique Spots Illusive Morning Dream |
15 months old black spotted bitch of correct size and proportions, excellent head with dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck going into a strong and level top line, correct front and excellent hind angulations, excellent forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently with excellent reach and drive,
Registreringsnummer: DK21855/2022 DKJV23 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 4.BTK R.CERT Jun.CERT | 0028 Kritik | Spotdog's Magic Music |
9 months old black spotted bitch of correct size and proportions, excellent head with dark eyes, elegant neck, strong and level top line, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently with correct reach and drive,
Registreringsnummer: SE32911/2023
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0030 Kritik | Inky Gipsy Obi’s Omega | |
9 months old black spotted bitch of correct size and type, scissor bite, elegant head with correct proportions, dark eyes, elegant neck, correct top line, very good front and correct hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, correct movement, a little tucked up in loin and a little loose in front,
Registreringsnummer: DK10591/2023
Opdrætter |
4 | Very good VG | 0027 Kritik | Mellanmöllan Living La Vida Loca | |
17 months old black spotted bitch, correct type and size, feminine head with dark eyes, scissor bite, strong neck, correct top line and tail set, very good front and correct hind angulations, very good forechest and correct depth of brisket, a little narrow in front, correct movement with a little dipping top line,
Registreringsnummer: SE53724/2022 KBHJV23 ROJV23
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0032 Kritik | Curias Out of my Dreams | |
18 months old liver spotted bitch of correct size and type, correct head with dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck, top line with a little dip, very good front angulations and correct hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves correctly with a little tucked up loin,
Registreringsnummer: DK18743/2022
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0031 Kritik | Curias One for the Future | |
almost 19 months old black spotted bitch of correct size, a little longer in body, correct head with dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck, top line with a little dip, correct front and hind angulations, very good forechest, correct depth of brisket, moves correctly but also with a little dipping top line,
Registreringsnummer: DK18742/2022
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK | 0034 Kritik | Toot's Voice of Eternity |
almost 3 years old black spotted bitch of correct size and proportions, excellent head with dark eyes, correct head, scissor bite, strong and level top line, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently,
Registreringsnummer: DK17837/2021 DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0033 Kritik | Ravenhood's Dulce Daniella | |
2 years old elegant bitch, liver spotted, correct size and type, feminine head, middle brown eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck, level top line, very good front angulations and correct hind angulations, sufficient forechest and depth of brisket, correct movement but very narrow behind, excellent spotting,
Registreringsnummer: DK28110/2021
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK 2.BTK | 0037 Kritik | Odgårdens Enya |
6 years old black spotted bitch, excellent head and proportions with middle brown eyes, scissor bite, correct head, strong and level top line, correct front and hind angulations, excellent forechest and depth of brisket, fluent movement,
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | CK 3.BTK | 0035 Kritik | Kernehuset's Delphina Design |
almost 3 years old bitch, black spotted, correct size and type, correct head, middle brown eyes, elegant neck going into a level and stop top line with correct tailset, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves fluently with correct reach and drive,
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0036 Kritik | Tussefryd's Dreamcatcher Minka | |
4 years old black spotted bitch, correct size and type, feminine head, dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck going into a strong and level top line, very good front angulation and correct hind angulation, excellent forechest and depth of brisket, moves correctly but could have more drive,
Registreringsnummer: DK04149/2020 DKCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | CK | 0039 Kritik | Bell-A-Mir's Hopeful Hailie |
almost 10 years old liver spotted bitch with a happy attitude, correct size and proportions, elegant head with dark eyes, scissor bite, elegant neck, very good top line with a little sloping croup, correct front and hind angulations, correct forechest and depth of brisket, moves correctly around the ring,
Registreringsnummer: DK12500/2014 DKCH DKVECH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0038 Kritik | GucciOfZoffi | |
8 years old black spotted bitch, correct type and proportions, feminine head and dark eyes, scissor bite, correct neck, strong and level top line, very good front and correct hind angulation, correct forechest and depth of brisket, correct movement, very stressed in the ring,
Registreringsnummer: DK02348/2016
Opdrætter |