Wusb Show Tornby Camping
Sankt Bernhardshund, korthåret |
Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 39
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 42 Dommer: Bernard Leger, Schweiz Kari Augestad, Spanien: Sankt Bernhardshund, Korthåret(2) |
Bedst i racen - BIR | ||||
Jazz Du Grand St. Bernard |
Katalognr.: 0024
Ejer: Foundation Barry null Schweitz | ||||
Opdrætter: Foundation Barry null Schweitz | ||||
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 786676
Udstilling information
Klasse: Mellemklasse |
Bedst i modsat køn - BIM | ||||
Tipsy du Chateau Robert |
Katalognr.: 0003
Ejer: David & Rachel Lüthi Schweitz | ||||
Opdrætter: Sylvie Trassart Frankrig | ||||
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 794901
Udstilling information
Klasse: Juniorklasse |
Bedste baby | ||||
Coco Chanel Od Strazcu Hor |
Katalognr.: 0013
Ejer: Janne Käär Estland | ||||
Opdrætter: Milan Plundra Tjekkiet | ||||
Registreringsnummer: CMKU SB/5058/23
Udstilling information
Klasse: Babyklasse |
Bedste hvalp | ||||
Hjørringgaards Queena |
Katalognr.: 0014
Ejer: Bente Hjørringgaard Danmark | ||||
Opdrætter: Bente Hjørringgaard 9870 Sindal Danmark | ||||
Registreringsnummer: DK19761/2022
Udstilling information
Klasse: Hvalpeklasse |
Bedste veteran | ||||
Goodbody's Xanadou |
Katalognr.: 0040
Ejer: Reto & Christine Wiederkehr-Widmer Schweitz | ||||
Opdrætter: Heidi Leibundgutt Schweitz | ||||
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 704013
Udstilling information
Klasse: Veteranklasse |
Hanner | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | 9000 Kritik | Zoomorf's Zeiron | |
3 months old, strong bone, good pigmentation, very nice topline, tail is correct, nice angulations, eyelid a bit open, eyes of very nice color, exc white color, very promessing, very nice character,
Registreringsnummer: DK02442/2023
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 1.BHK BIM | 0003 Kritik | Tipsy du Chateau Robert |
13 months, exc proportions, exc bone, exc neck, topline and croup, the tail a little short, the feet is correct, very ice form and color of the eyes, exc expression, feet a little bit open on the hindlegs, the move is typical for the breed, the color is exc of the white, exc quality coat, WUSB Junior WINNER
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 794901
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0002 Kritik | Amur vom Hellenstein | |
13 months, very nice expression in the head, exc ear settlement, exc color and form of the eyes, good neck, topline and croup, elbows to close, but very good angulation behind, teeth is correct, exc proportion in body, light open in front, sufficient in behind, corr movement with good moves
Registreringsnummer: VDH/BZB 59610
Opdrætter |
3 | Very good VG | 0001 Kritik | Jii-Teen Ridley Rotwalli | |
17 months old, to the bigger size with the bigger bone, good ears and earplacement, but too much skin, the lipps is too long, teeth is correct, good neck and topline, angulations to straigth in te back, and feet to open, to straight in front also, elbow to narrow, to high til on the move, backlegs to close, he dont move easly needs ringtraining,
Registreringsnummer: FI61488/21
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0004 Kritik | Ares Pastor de Orellana | |
22 months old, ecx proportions, middle bone, exc head, very n ice ear settlement, the color of eyes a bit light, teeth is correct, exc neck, topline and croup, very good angulation behind with feet a bit open, exc front, exc upperarm, exc typical movements, exc color of the white,
Registreringsnummer: LOE 2576532
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0007 Kritik | S'Mulder des Joly Monts de Villers | |
23 months, exc proportion, exc expression, a bit short neck but very musculous, exc topline, the tail is correct, exc feet, exc front, exc move, exc coat, WUSB WINNER
Registreringsnummer: LOF 32855/3737
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0006 Kritik | MountBarry Domenic Dom Perignon | |
3 years, exc proportions, exc bone, the pigmentation in the face is very dark, exc color of eyes and form, exc neck, the topline a bit curved, croup is to long and falling, exc feet, loose in elbows when he moves, exc coat,
Registreringsnummer: EST 02710/20
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0005 Kritik | Navilotosh Radigost | |
22 months, correct size, with big bones, exc expression in the head, lipps a bit open in both sides, exc neck, the topline a bit curved, he miss a bit angulation behind, very nice chest, a bit to skinny forechest, moves correct, but a bit close behind,
Registreringsnummer: DK05186/2022
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 9001 Kritik | Ach vom Baronenschloss | |
Registreringsnummer: VDH/BZB 59194
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0008 Kritik | Rigoletto de La Maison des Tartarin | |
2½ years old, exc proportions, exc bone, exc form and color of the eyes, ears a little bit down set, strong neck, exc topline and croup, exc feet in the front, feet a bit open behind in both sides, the croup a bit short, typical movmenst for the breed, with bigger musculation in the topline
Registreringsnummer: LOF 32190/3667 FRCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0010 Kritik | Fritz von der Kamphausener Höhe | |
4 years, middle bone, correct size, exc expression in head, exc color and form of the eyes, exc earsettlement, very good neck, exc topline, croup is to short and the tail also, angulation behind is correct, very good front, he needs more chest for this age, he moves correct but he is too short in steps,
Registreringsnummer: VDH/BZB 58673 DECH
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0009 Kritik | Meyhoff Franzi | |
4 years, exc proportions with big bones, color of eyes is correct, exc teeth, a bit too much skin on the forechest, very strong neck but a bit short, exc topline and croup, elbows a bit close, angualtion behind is correct, exc color, the read and the white, the ribbs a bit open, he moves correctly,
Registreringsnummer: DK04689/2019 DKCH KLBCH
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0011 Kritik | Uhlania's Paw | |
3½ years, a bit long in body, exc bone, exc color of the eyes, te lipps a bit open, exc neck, very good topline and croup to exc color of the white, a bit open in knees in the back, on the move the tail is a bit too curled, movement is correct, very nice coat
Registreringsnummer: DK21138/2019 DKCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | BIK | 0012 Kritik | Apollon de l'Oée des Montagnes |
8 years, exc proportions, exc bone, good expression in head, exc neck, topline and croup, very good angulation behind with feet a bit open, little bit close in front, but with exc feet, all together a very nice condition for the age, exc movements typical for the breed, WUSB Veteran Winner
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 731495
Opdrætter |
Tæver | ||||
Babyklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0013 Kritik | Coco Chanel Od Strazcu Hor |
4 mdr gl., beautiful exc. lovely puppy, correct in size, feminine head, beautiful eyes, perfect teeth, dark eyes, movements is playfull,
Registreringsnummer: CMKU SB/5058/23
Opdrætter |
Hvalpeklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | SL SL | BIK | 0014 Kritik | Hjørringgaards Queena |
7 months old, generally exc. correct size for her age, head in developement, proportions perfect today, the scull and stop is today correct for ege, correct dark eyes, correct bite, movements is correct for the age,
Registreringsnummer: DK19761/2022
Opdrætter |
Juniorklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0020 Kritik | Lio Du Grand St. Bernard | |
14 months, beautiful female, absolutely exc proportions, exc neck and topline, very feminine and beautiful dark eyes, very good teeth, very good temperament, perfect angulations, beautiful movements, WUSB Junior WINNER
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 787909
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0018 Kritik | Ubelina De La Vega De Carmona | |
17 months old, beautifull female with beautifull head v ery feminine, exc stop and scull, lovely teeeth and lipps, exc neck and topline, absolutely correct in proportions and angulations, exc movements,
Registreringsnummer: LOE 2605247
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0017 Kritik | Tessiera Du Chateau Robert | |
15 months old, very nice female, exc proportions, correct angulations, nice feminine head with correct stop and scull for age, beautifull teeth, correct eyes, very nice topline and chest, she needs more strongness in her movements, hopefully you can work with it
Registreringsnummer: LV 508/22
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0023 Kritik | Zoomorf's Xanadu | |
12 months old, nice female, correct size and bones for the age, correct proportions, topline and chest is exc., nice feminine head, perfect bite and correct eyes, movements is correct,
Registreringsnummer: DK10361/2022
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0015 Kritik | Vickys Lumi | ||
13 monts old, nice looking female, today the proportions is ok: head body legs and chest, strong feminine head with correct eyes, stop and scull, and also correct bite, movements behind is narrow needs more push, to short,
Registreringsnummer: DK06088/2022
Opdrætter |
Excellent EX | 0016 Kritik | Zoomorf's Unja | ||
16 months old, corr. for her age size proportions, perfect, exc proportions in head and body , correct stop and scull, nice dark eyes, perfect teeth, thick and good pigmentation in her lipps, nice angulaltions, movems perfect,
Registreringsnummer: DK00496/2022
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0021 Kritik | Albe Choices My Oh My | ||
12 months old, nice female, correct proportions, corrcet body and topline and angulations, she has exc stop and scull, her eyes are almondshaped, the black lipps turns a little out, movements playfull
Registreringsnummer: DK11089/2022
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0022 Kritik | Jii-Teen Rufina | ||
17 months old, good for size, strong bones, to me the head is a bit too heavy, open eyes thats why she needs the typical breed expression, correct teeth, angulations and proportions perfect, movement is good
Registreringsnummer: FI61484/21
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0019 Kritik | Jii-Teen Ruth Ristalli | |
Registreringsnummer: FI61483/21
Opdrætter |
Mellemklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 1.BTK BIR | 0024 Kritik | Jazz Du Grand St. Bernard |
16 months old, very typical and very n i e lovely proportions body and head, beautiful feminine head, correct eyes, the color could be a bit darker, exc stop and scull, ecx teeth and lipps, exc movements, WUSB WINNER
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 786676
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0027 Kritik | Suriyan Saphire Rios Saints | |
20 months old, female nice size, exc proportions, exc topline, strong head, correct eyes, exc stop and scull, teeth correct, movements is correct but could be stronger in front, standing a bit on the tipps on her frontleg,
Registreringsnummer: SLR SBK000042
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0026 Kritik | Sancerre de La Maison des Tartarin | |
20 months old, nice female, correct size, strong bones, nice chest, neck and topline, exc angulations, strong head, dark nice eyes, big strong teeth, correct proportions all over, exc movements,
Registreringsnummer: LOF 33075/0
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0025 Kritik | Seltik Des Joly Monts De Villers | |
18 months old, correct female, correct size for the age, nice topline and chest, ok angulations, nice stop and scull, eyes almondshaped, correct but very small teeth,
Registreringsnummer: LOF 33280
Opdrætter |
Åbenklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0029 Kritik | Angie Pastor De Orellana | |
22 months old, female with lovely total expression and total beautiful feminine head, dark eyes, big teeth, nice neck and topline, exc proporttions, correct movements,
Registreringsnummer: LOE 2576529
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0034 Kritik | Jewel Snow Dessey | |
3½ years old, middlesize, correct female, correct proportions and angulations, v ery nice enck and topline feminine head, dark correct eyes, teeth small and correct, perfect movements,
Registreringsnummer: VDH/BZB 59211
Opdrætter |
3 | Excellent EX | 0028 Kritik | Scully des Joly Monts de Villers | |
2 years old, lovely nice female with middle size, correct proportions, and angulations, nice feminine head dark nice eyes, teeth strong and lovely black lipps, correct neck and topline, acceptable movements because she is very soft in the frontpart,
Registreringsnummer: LOF 32854/5118
Opdrætter |
4 | Excellent EX | 0036 Kritik | S'poir Du Domaine Des Montagnards | |
20 months old, nice size, strong bones, feminine nice head dark eyes, correct teeth, beautiful lipps, topline correct, and proportions and angulations is perfect, the brown spots is the withe disturbs me,
Registreringsnummer: LOF 33130/5119
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0032 Kritik | Damassine de l'Orée des Montagnes | ||
5 years old, female strong and good size, strong bones, correct proportions, correct angulations, correct topline, head and stop and scull strong and correct muzzle a bit short, eyes are very deep set and red brown, beautiful teeth , feet are very open, he needs more strongness i front, he is also limping on right frontleg,
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 757514
Opdrætter |
Very good VG | 0035 Kritik | Ute-Senna v. d. Jumelage Hoeve | ||
2 years old, female middelsize, could have stronger bones, correct dark eyes, wishe more stop and a bit wider scull, for the age i wish a bit more head, correct neck and topline and angulations and proportions, movements is very soft in front and tail is very high almost touches the back on the move
Registreringsnummer: NHSB 3220973
Opdrætter |
CNBJ | Cannot be judged | 0033 Kritik | Hjørringgaards Penny | |
almost 4 years old, impossible to see the teeth
Registreringsnummer: DK13632/2019
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0030 Kritik | Kingali au Moulin de Tallans | |
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 773306
Opdrætter |
IM | Ikke mødt | 0031 Kritik | Gormsen Bess Binga | |
Registreringsnummer: DK15971/2020
Opdrætter |
Championklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | 0038 Kritik | Baltic Du Grand St. Bernard | |
7½ years old, very nicce feminine champion, beautiful expression correct scull and stop, beautiful lipps and correct teeth, exc neck and topline exc angúlations, exc movements and nice to see the attention the dog makes to the owner when the run together,
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 770148 CHCH
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0037 Kritik | Soleil Du Val Du Morakopf | |
2 years old, very nice champion - she deserves her title, strong body strong bones, feminine, beautiful eyes, and dark eyes, nice strong teeth, exc stop and scull, neck and topline correct, exc angulations and correct proportions,
Registreringsnummer: LOF 32567/0 DKCH NOCH DKJUCH
Opdrætter |
Veteranklasse | ||||
Plac. | Katalognr. | |||
1 | Excellent EX | BIK | 0040 Kritik | Goodbody's Xanadou |
12½ years old, beautiful of 11½ years old lady, exc head and stop, dark eyes, still correct teeth, strong topline, correct proportions moves exc, WUSB Veteran WINNER
Registreringsnummer: SHSB 704013
Opdrætter |
2 | Excellent EX | 0039 Kritik | Wenja vom Wertachtal | |
8 years old, very n ice beautiful female with beautiful strong head, beautiful eyes, still small teeth lefft, correct angulations, strong topline, strong movements,
Registreringsnummer: VDH/BZB 57520
Opdrætter |