26 nov. 2021

Hundaræktarfelag Islands

Specialklub udstilling

Reiðhöllin Í Víðidal

Udstillingen er over 2 år gammel, derfor er ejer information fjernet pga. GDPR

Dværgschnauzer, sort

Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 33
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 34
Dommer: Ann Wisemann Stavdal, Norge
Bedst i racen - BIR
Svartwalds For Your Eyes Only
Katalognr.: 0013
Opdrætter: María Björg Tamimi

Udstilling information

Klasse: Championklasse
Ring: 1

Bedst i modsat køn - BIM
Svartwalds Hey You
Katalognr.: 0028
Opdrætter: María Björg Tamimi Is-108 Reykjavík Island

Udstilling information

Klasse: Åbenklasse
Ring: 1

Bedste junior
Svartwalds Black Mamba
Katalognr.: 0020
Opdrætter: María Tamimi Island

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 1

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX 0005  Kritik Kolskeggs Ray Ban
1 year old, 35 cm. Nice head with parallel lines, dark almond shaped beautiful eyes. Correct set ears, carried just a little light. Elegant neck, strong withers, strong topline. Slightly sloping croup, both testicles in place. Nice angulations all around, promising fore chest, correct shape of ribcage. Gorgeous feet, pasterns, hocks strong enough for his age. Still a bit loose but totally acceptable coming and going. Raising both front feet and hocks a bit from the side. A nice boy that should be quite fun for the future.


Líney Björk Ívarsdóttir


G 0002  Kritik Bjarkartúns Lífið er yndislegt
14 months, 36,5 cm still light and quite up on his legs. Quite nice length of his head, almost parallel lines. Dark, correct shape, lovely eyes. Quite tall ear set carried too high. Lovely neck, good withers, for his age strong topline, very good croup and tail set. Both testicles in place. His fore chest should at this moment be more pronounced. Nice ribcage but just a bit short. I would like a far better front construction, hind quarters at the moment far better than front. Moves like a youngster coming and going, moderate reach and drive from side. Coat still too soft all over and by now we really should feel some harshness coming.


Arna Björk Bjarnadóttir


DQ Disqualified 0001  Kritik Reykjavík Michelsen Jarl
36,5 cm really nice type but need lost and lots of ring training. Repeatedly tries to bite the judge. Nice body, strong male head with correct proportions. Dark almond shaped beautiful eyes, correct ear set and they are well carried. Strong neck, should be a bit more elegant Nice withers strong topline, croup is falling a bit and his tail set could be a bit better, Nice fore chest and good length of ribcage. Has both his testicles. Moderate angulations all around, really nice feet, would like his hock angulation a bit more pronounced. Promising coat quality, still a bit soft on face and legs, but nice coat work. Parallel going, okay coming, nice reach and drive.


Sigríður I. Michelsen


DQ Disqualified 0003  Kritik Merkurlautar Take A Chance
9 months old, 35,5 cm. Already masculine, should nit grow any more and I hope he wont. Head of good length, almost parallel lines, dark beautiful eyes. Ears well set and carried. Powerful neck, pronounced withers. Correct length of topline, excellent croup, good tail set. Both testicles in place. Nicely shaped rear end, width wide tishgs and nice knee and hock ang. Fore chest is quite good for his age. Moderate front angulation. Nice , long enough ribcage. Excellent feet, pasterns and strong hocks. Already quite steady in hind movements, looking his age in front movements. Really good reach and drive. Will not under any circumstances show his teeth today, tries to bite judge sever times which is a shame but gives him a disqualified today


Margret Asgeirsdottir


IM Ikke mødt 0004  Kritik Keys's Star Albus Dumbledore


Anna Gréta Sveinsdóttir


Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX 0007  Kritik Svartwalds Moondance
16 months at 35 exactly, Over all a very nice boy. Just long enough head, medium brow, correct shaped eyes. Slightly high set ears but well carried, love his expression. Strong and elegant neck, correct length and strong topline. Lovely croup and tail set. Fore chest is okay for his age, I would love better angulation in front. Excellent shape of ribcage. Rear angulation harmonies with the front. Excellent feet, pasterns and hocks. Excellent coat on the body, still a bit soft on the extremities. Parallel going, okay coming, good reach and drive from the side.


Maria Björg Tamimi


2 VG 0006  Kritik Skeggjastaða Magnús Dreki
15 months, 37 cm high. Good but a bit shot head with a lovely male expr. Lovely dark, almond shaped eyes. Almost parallel lines. Ears well set and carried. Strong elegant neck, for his age strong topline, nice croup and tail set. Should have a better front angulation, shoulders should really be placed better. Fore chest should be better pronounced at this age. Nice shaped rib cage but a bit short. Lovely broad thighs, well muscle. Nice feet, pasterns and hocks. Narrow going, weaving a bit coming. From the side a really nice gait. Coat colour is okay but would like to see a better quality at this age.


Lára Kristinsdóttir


Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX 0010  Kritik Svartwalds Jungle Boogie
36 cm. Nice head, not enough parallel lines, beautiful dark eyes. Ears well set and carried. Calm and attentive expression. Lovely neck. His shoulders should be better placed so neck meets topline in a less unfortunate way. Strong topline, lovely croup. Really nice well muscled thighs. Would really love a more pronounced fore chest. I love his feet and pasterns. Side gait is okay, still a bit unstable coming and going.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

2 VG 0008  Kritik Svartwalds Noble
35 cm exactly, masculine, almost parallel lines in head which is just long enough. Nice expression, dark eyes, well set and carried ears. Strong and elegant neck. Nice withers, strong enough topline, excellent croup. I would really like a better fore chest. Rib cage should be shaped better and be a bit longer. Harmonious angles all around. Good feet, good pasterns, good hocks. Excellent coat on his body, still soft on his feet. Narrow behind weaving in the front and doesn't really seem to enjoy the floor on the move which make the reach and drive appear short an ineffective.


María Björg Tamimi

IM Ikke mødt 0009  Kritik Svartwalds Prometheus


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BHK BIR 0013  Kritik Svartwalds For Your Eyes Only
6 years, 35,5 cm lovely male head, very macho. Nice parallel lines, lovely eyes, correct shape and colour. Ears well set and carried, elegant neck. Strong topline, good croup and tail set. Would really love a better developed chest, good angulations front and rear, nice underline. Nice feet, pasterns and hocks. Good coat quality on body, parallel going, a bit wide coming. Good reach and drive from side.


María Björg Tamimi

2 EX CK 2.BHK 0012  Kritik Svartwalds For Those About to Rock
34,5 cm, 11 years old in SUPER condition for his age. Parallel enough lines in head, super male expression. Really dark, almonds shaped correct eyes. Ears well set carried just a bit high. Really nice neck, withers, topline, croup and tail set. Nice front construction. Nice rib cage, excellent length. Still well muscled, good shape of thighs. Feet starting to loose some of its power but good enough for age. Really nice coat colour and quality for age. Quality on the body very good for age, loosing quality on extremities. Parallel going, a bit wavy coming. Very good reach and drive.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

3 EX 0011  Kritik Skeggjastaða Gauti Bernhard
3 years old, missing P1, right side down. 34 cm. Masculine head, with quite parallel lines. Dark, correct shaped eyes, lovely expression. Well set and carried ears. Elegant, strong neck, nice withers. Correct length of topline. Nice ribcage, very good fore chest. Really excellent croup and tail set. Nice well muscled thighs. Nice underline, good feet, nice pasterns and hocks. Back feet a bit flat. Excellent colour but the quality is a bit too soft all over. Parallel going, toeing in a bit coming. Okay reach and drive from side.


Lára Bjarney Kristinsdóttir
Is-200 Kópavogi

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 2.BTK R.CERT Jun.CERT 0020  Kritik Svartwalds Black Mamba
11 months, nicely shaped girl, 34 cm. Feminine, parallel lines in head, dark almond shaped eyes. The first dog with excellent underjaw. Ears well set and carried, very good neck, strong topline, excellent croup and tail set, lovely bum. Very good fore chest. Nice angles all around, really nice under line. Excellent feet, pasterns and hocks. Very good colour for age, very good quality on body, too soft on legs. Parallel going, a bit wavy coming, really nice reach and drive,


María Tamimi


2 EX CK R.Jun.CERT 0018  Kritik Kolskeggs Prada
1 year old, 30 cm. Lovely feminine expression, nice length of head, parallel lines. Big ears but high set and carried. Lovely neck, strong topline, croup a bit falling. Good fore chest, nice angles all around. Excellent underline, very good feet, pasterns and hocks. Very good colour, promising coat qualities, still a bit soft on legs. Toeing a bit in going, parallel coming. Nice reach and drive from side.


Líney Björk Ívarsdóttir


3 EX 0016  Kritik Merkurlautar Take It All
9 months, 33 cm. Excellent feminine head and expression with dark, correct shaped eyes. Good ear set and carriage, parallel lines. Elegant and strong neck, nice withers, nice topline, croup and tail set. Okay fore chest, nicely shaped and long enough ribcage. Nice, broad and well muscled thighs. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Parallel going, a bit unstable coming, nice reach and drive from side. Excellent coat colour and acceptable quality.


Margret Asgeirsdottir


4 EX 0014  Kritik Skeggjastaða Mai Sól
15 months, 31 cm but difficult to measure as she is not feeling safe on the table. Feminine, a bit short head. Dark correct shaped eye, parallel enough lines in head. Elegant neck, nice withers, strong enough topline. Lovely croup and tail set. Very good fore chest, very good front angulation. Correct shape and length of rib cage. Well angulated rear, a bit flat feet, good pasterns and very good hocks. Very good colour, promising coat on body but too soft on extremities. Narrow going, weaving a bit coming. Nice reach and drive from side. Should be trained on table.


Lára Kristinsdóttir


EX 0017  Kritik Islandschnauzer Winter Queen of Svartwalds
33 cm, lovely female head with a correct length. Quite parallel lines, lovely dark eyes. Ears well set and carried. Lovely neck, elegant. Nice withers, strong topline, very good croup and tail set. Promising fore chest, nice underline, excellent rib cage. Harmonious and good angles all around. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Colour not entirely black but developing in to something really good in quality, extremities still a bit soft. A bit narrow behind, good looking coming.


Kristján Magnússon


VG 0015  Kritik Bjarkartúns Ástin á sér stað
13 months still light in body, cute expression. Head is a bit short and lines are not entirely parallel. Ears set and carried quite high. Elegant neck, strong enough topline, a bit long in long. Good croup and tail set. I would really love some more muscles. Good fore chest. Shoulders should be better placed but front angulation is actually very good. Nice underline, nice angulation in rear. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Coat colour is okay, should be of a lot better quality by now. Moves narrow behind, bit unstable coming, moderate reach and drive.


Arna Björk Bjarnadóttir


VG 0021  Kritik Svartwalds Earth To Merkurlaut
17 months, 30 cm. Really cute, feminine expression. Dark eyes, well set and carried ears. Nice neck, well placed shoulders, good withers. Topline not yet stable enough. Nice shape of rib cage but it could be longer. Still does not offer elbows any support. Good croup, nice fore chest, I would really love to see rounder feet. Really nice tail. Colour is okay for age, quality should improve on body and legs. Toing in going, crossing in coming, a bit short reach and drive seen from the side.


María Björg Tamimi


G 0019  Kritik Kolskeggs Mulan
15 months, 32 cm. Still very immature looking, head is bit short with a good expression. Nice, dark, almond shaped eyes. Ears well set, incorrectly carried. Elegant neck, strong enough topline, a bit long in loin. Good croup, should really have a bit better angulation all around. Good feet, coat showing promising qualities on body, too soft on the extremities, colour is not thoroughly black. Quite parallel coming and going, moderate reach and drive.


Líney Björk Ívarsdóttir


Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 3.BTK 0024  Kritik Svartwalds Galadriel goes to Stapakots
35 cm, really nice female head, excellent length, dark almond shaped eyes. Ears well set and carried, elegant lovely neck. Good withers, strong topline, just a little long in loin. Nice croup, excellent tail set. Lovely, broad, well muscled thighs. Well developed fore chest, okay under line, should nit be any heavier. Nice colour, nice coat qualities. Love the feet, pasterns and hocks. Really nice going and coming, really good reach and drive from side.


María Bjorg Tamini


2 EX CK 0022  Kritik Svartwalds Moonshadow
Super schnauzer temperament, happy and out going. Lovely expression, long enough head with parallel lines. Well set and carried ears, lovely dark eyes. Strong neck, nice withers, strong topline. excellent croup, tails set a bit high. Good chest, good angels all around. Nice under line. Really nice bum, strong well muscled thighs. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Excellent colour, coat quality on body is super, should be better one extremities. A bit narrow going, accaptable coming, moves with really good reach and drive from side.


María Björg Tamimi


3 EX 0025  Kritik Svartwalds Harley Quinn
1,5 years, 32 cm. Nice feminine head and expression, with quite parallel lines. Ears well set and carried. Strong elegant neck, nice withers, strong topline. Good croup and tail set. Quite goof froe chest, excellent length of rib cage. Good feet, pasterns and hocks. Colour is okay for age, quality should be a bit better both on body and extremities. A bit narrow going and waving quite a bit coming, moderate reach and drive from side.


María Björg Tamimi


4 VG 0023  Kritik Skeggjastaða Kolbrá Lína
18 months, 34 cm. Feminine expression, a bit too pronounced stop. Not entirely parallel lines in head. Well set but a bit high carried ears. Good neck, withers, topline. Nice croup and tail set. Nice fore chest, harmonious angles all around. A bit round ribcage but it is due to the fact that she is shown in a too heavy condition. Gorgeous under line. Colour is very good quality a bit too soft. A bit narrow going, parallel coming, moderate reach and drive from side.


Lára Kristinsdóttir


Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BTK CERT BIM 0028  Kritik Svartwalds Hey You
2 years, 35,5, cm. Lovely long head with almost parallel lines. Really beautiful expression with dark, almond shaped eyes. Well set and carried ears, nice neck. Strong eithers, Nice topline, croup and tail set. Nice fore chest. Nicely shaped rib cage of excellent length, Lovely broad, well muscled thigs. Excellent coat colour and quality, moves with excellent reach and drive, good coming and going.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

2 EX CK 4.BTK 0031  Kritik Svartwalds I'm So Excited
4,5 years old, 34,5 cm. Lovely female head and expression. Dark eyes, ears well set, carried a bit light. Nice neck, topline, croup and tail set. Acceptable fore chest, really nice shape and length of ribs, really good bum. Nice feet, pasterns and hocks, nice under line. Moves with excellent reach and drive. Toeing in going, a bit wide coming. Really good colour and quality of coat.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

3 EX 0026  Kritik Svartwalds Baroness
34 cm. Feminine, correct length of head, lovely eyes. Ears well set, carried a bit high. Elegant neck, strong withers, topline but croup is a bit sloping. Nice tail set. Quite good froe chest, excellent shape and length of rib cage. Nice under lane, harmonious, moderate angles in front and rear, good feet, colour is okay, coat on body is okay, should be harsher, extremities should be a lot better in coat quality. A bit narrow coming and going but from the side she really uses every thing she's got and has excellent reach and drive.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

4 VG 0029  Kritik Dýrindis Flóra
3 years, 32 cm. Cute, nice expression. Not entirely parallel lines in the head. Nice neck, short and strong topline. Nice croup and tail set. Harmonious angles all around. Quite nice fore chest, feet are a bit flat, nice under line. Rib cage is nicely shaped and bit short. Really nice colour on the body, a bit brown on the extremities. Quality really good on body but not so good on the extremities. Toeing in going, throwing out her elbows coming, moderate reach and drive from side.


Linda Heide Reynisdóttir


VG 0027  Kritik Victorious Star Coca cola
4 years, 36 cm. Almost parallel lines, feminine expression, medium dark eyes. Ears well set, carried a bit loose. Nice neck, withers and strong enough topline. She's showed a bit heavy, nice bum, quite good fore chest a bit flat feet. Quite harmonious angles all around. Okay underline, coat is not entirely black, okay quality on body really too soft on extremities. Parallel going, turning elbows out coming, quite nice reach and drive seen from side.


Inna Belska

IM Ikke mødt 0030  Kritik Svartwalds Ring Of Fire


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX 0032  Kritik Svartwalds Miss Moneypenny
6 years old, 34 cm, good expression but head type for me is a bit masculine. Lovely eyes, well set, a bit light carried ears. Not entirely parallel line in head. Lovely neck, good topline. Nicely shaped rib cage that could be a bit longer. Nice croup and tail set, well muscled thighs, quite nice froe chest. Good angulations all around, underline show that she is a mother. Colour and quality is good on the body but quality should be a lot better on extremities. Narrow going, a bit wide coming, moderate reach and drive from the side.


María Björg Tamimi
Is-108 Reykjavík

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX 0033  Kritik Svartwalds Germania
9 years old, still shows a lot of quality. 33, 5 cm. Upper incisors totally missing. Quite parallel lines, still clear, dark eyes with attitude. Well set, bit light carried ears. Lovely neck, withers, topline and croup. Should nit be any heavier. Quite okay froe chest, moderate angulation in front. Nice shape of rib cage but it should be a bit longer. Nice angulation in rear, really nice coat and colour on body for age. Starting g to loose colour on extremities. Moves really well for age. Honour Prize


Maria Tamimi


Plac. Katalognr.  
1   HP ÆP 0034  Kritik Svartwalds
4 combinations, high quality dogs with super expressions. Nice bodies, with good construction. Typey heads, lovely attitudes. Over all very good coat quality and colour. Moves very nicely as a group. Honour to the breeder
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